About the JeffCo Dems

Our Mission:

We work to elect Democrats to every office in Jefferson County. To grow the party by reaching out to voters, encouraging volunteering, training and supporting candidates and volunteers, and communicating to Democrats and others in Jefferson County about the work of the Jefferson County Democratic Party.

What we believe:

The Jefferson County Democratic Party represents and celebrates the diversity of our communities. We are a “big tent” party with diverse opinions on a variety of issues. While we may differ in style, we all affirm the core values of the Democratic Party. Among these are…

  • Everyone deserves a government that works for all the people.

  • Everyone deserves a livable wage and equal pay for equal work

  • Everyone deserves access to affordable health care

  • Everyone deserves equal justice under the law

  • Everyone deserves a safe, livable, and sustainable community

  • Everyone deserves a high quality education

  • Policies at all levels of government should be based on science

  • Clean air, land, and water are essential and these resources must be protected

What can you do?

  • Become a Precinct Committee Person (PCP) – These are elected representatives of the Democratic party.

    • PCPs (also known as Precinct Organizers) are elected representatives of the Democratic party. PCPs support organizing at a precinct level by sharing information with their neighbors about the Democratic party, elections and opportunities to be involved. As representatives of the party, PCPs serve on the Central Committee, which elects leadership and weighs in on other matters regarding the Jefferson County Democratic Party. To see if there’s a vacancy in your precinct, email Office@JeffCoDems.org and include your address.

  • Jefferson County Democratic Latino Initiative (JDLI)

  • Labor advisory Committee (LAC)

  • JeffCo Young Dems (JYD)

  • Allied – Suppoting LGBTQA

  • Veterans Initiative (VETI)