Party Leadership

  • Kathryn Wallace


    Kathryn has lived in Jefferson County almost all of her life and has been deeply involved in party politics since 2008.  She is an expert on Party rules, processes, and procedures.  Kathryn brings a passion for improving the lives of all of the people in Jefferson County.  She believes that electing Democrats that support the party’s values is the best way to achieve this.  Kathryn lives with her husband and three cats.

  • Nathan Davis


    Before becoming the First Vice Chair, Nathan served as the JeffCo Dems Secretary. He manages a team of four data analysts at Farmers Insurance and uses those same technical skills to enhance JeffCo Dems party processes including taking attendance at caucus, automatically tallying assembly votes, and creating tools to track the progress of fundraising and lit drop efforts. He is looking forward to continuing his efforts to engage volunteers through better use of data.

  • Barb Kolkmeier


    Barb Kolkmeier is a Colorado native and lifelong Democrat.  Since retiring, she has dedicated herself to supporting the Jeffco Democratic Party.  In her professional life, Barb was a tech consultant and project manager.  She has brought these skills to a number of projects for our party, including acting as our webmaster and helping produce the Blue Beacon.  Barb is always willing to jump in and do what's needed, and she brings a strong sense of commitment to her role.

  • Les Canges


    When Les Canges was elected as Treasurer last year, he quickly learned the existing system and went on the adapt and improve it. He consistently provides timely and accurate financial information for State and Federal campaign compliance reports and internal party budget and financial analyses. His tireless dedication to the financial management of the Jeffco Dems organization makes him an indispensable part of the team.

  • Ami Prichard


    Ami is a third generation Colorado teacher. Her passion is working with and advocating for students and families who have not been successful in traditional school settings. Ami was elected as the President of the Colorado PTA, where she sits on several state and national educational advocacy committees. She has years of experience as a union and community organizer, and puts her strong belief in the democratic process into action serving in a wide variety of roles in the Jeffco Democratic Party including HD 25 Captain and SD 16 organizer  She participates in the Colorado Democratic Party Labor Initiative, serves as the Secretary of the Jeffco Pride Caucus, and is a leading member in both the Colorado and National Education Association.

  • Jan Magid


    Jan has served as Assistant Secretary of the Jeffco Dems for six years and considers it an “honor of my life!”  She is a 40+ year Jeffco resident, a mom and grandma, and retired from a career in software development.  Jan spends countless hours organizing the Jeffco Dems office, enthusiastically supporting volunteers, and happily tackling any task that comes her way.

  • Abe Penland


    Abe and his family have called Arvada home for the past twenty years. As a lifelong liberal, he is passionate about building a strong Democratic Party. This commitment drives his dedication to the Jeffco Dems organization. Abe has fully immersed himself in his role, and he’s currently focusing on documenting the organization's financial management processes.

House District Chairs

  • House District 23

    Kip Kolkmeier

  • House District 24

    Lindey Petrella

  • House District 24

    Cathy Maslowski-Yerges

  • House District 25

    Diane Conaway

  • House District 27

    Tim Welch

  • House District 28

    Jerry Clayton

  • House District 28

    Rob Eadie

  • House District 29

    Michelle Zajic

  • House District 30

    Todd Strickland

  • HD 30

    Renee Erickson

Senate District Chairs

  • Senate District 4

  • Senate District 16

    Jamie Eickhoff

  • Senate District 19

    Samantha Walsh

  • Senate District 20

  • Senate District 22

    Cindy Goldman

Initiative Chairs

  • Labor Advisory Committee

    Dwayne Stephens

  • Pride

    Elizabeth Sullivan

  • Latino Initiative (JDLI)

    Victoria Lopez

  • Young Dems (JYD)

    Alex Kim

  • Veterans Initiative (VETI)

    Carl Hamm